
cleaning disinfecting wipes

Recently I was shopping at Ralph’s in downtown Santa Barbara. There were no disinfectant wipes for cleaning the handles of miscellaneous trucks at the door. Several customers did not wear masks. One employee took off the masks and restocked them on the shelves. The woman in front of me did not wear a mask, but the clerk chatted with her amicably and did not tell her about wearing a mask.
When I talked to the manager, he said that he put wet wipes every morning, but the homeless would take them, and the store could not order people to wear masks because they might have mental health problems, so they refused to wear masks; however, in front of me The woman in is beautifully dressed, friendly to the clerk, and completely organized, with no obvious mental health issues.
Similarly, at Costco today, some customers are not wearing masks, and employees are distributing free food samples, so people take off their masks when they eat samples. Free samples are pleasant, but in a pandemic, they pose a threat to health.
Wearing a mask is absolutely no fun, but if we do not take reasonable precautions and everyone does their part, the pandemic cannot be controlled.
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Post time: Sep-07-2021