
our pumpkins have been frosted several times

Halloween is here, our pumpkins have been frosted several times, and the garden, lawn and roof are covered by them. These severe frosts turned many lawns brown and dotted the entire landscape with leaves. Pumpkins are tough and have a long shelf life, so frost will not affect them too much. Halloween wet tissue factory is here, so please use common sense and caution tonight, and watch out for parents and children. Keep the porch and carport lights on to let children and parents know that your home is suitable for children. Only provide snacks that are safe and securely packaged.
This pumpkin pudding will melt in your mouth and fill your kitchen with a spicy aroma on Halloween. It is simple to prepare using readily available ingredients. You need a can of Libby pumpkin or a pint of canned pumpkin, a three-ounce box of jelly instant pumpkin pudding or vanilla pudding mixture, two large eggs, half a cup of brown sugar, half a cup of granulated sugar, a tablespoon of pumpkin pie spice, and a teaspoon of vanilla to taste Ingredients, a stick of melted light margarine, a can of evaporated milk, a teaspoon of orange seasoning and four hot dog buns. Pass the hot dog bun through the blender in grate mode, mix all other ingredients, and pour into a 13 x 9 x 2 inch baking pan or a baking pan sprayed with Pam baking spray. Bake in a preheated 350 degree oven for 45 minutes or until the pudding is firm. There is Cool Whip or French vanilla ice cream on top. You can also frost the pudding with a tin of Duncan Hines cream cheese frosting.
Today October is coming to an end, and we are enjoying the low humidity, the blue skies of Carolina, the elegant leaves falling from oak, poplar, pecan and maple trees, and the pink sunset that complements the hues of maple leaves. autumn. These pleasant afternoons provide the opportunity to clean up the garden plots, including removing vines, stalks, residues, tomato cages and stakes, harvesting leaves, and preparing compost bins and compost.
In the air on the last night of October, the smoke from the chimneys of neighbourhood houses exudes the smell of burning oak, welcoming the sunset on Halloween night. This is the night of the voices of excited children, they go door to door. You can make their night safe and enjoyable by keeping the porch and carport lights on and preparing and packaging snacks for them when they arrive at the door. Put snacks in bowls or plates so they can handle and choose their own snacks. It would also be good to give loving parents a kind of enjoyment.
Halloween is always celebrated on the first day of November, which is the second day before Halloween, and is also called Halloween. This day is also called Halloween.
In the cold winter, you can promote the growth of roses by applying a layer of bone meal around the base of the rose and mixing it into the soil and a handful of blood meal. Both are organic products and can produce root growth in winter. Use Rose-Tone organic rose food to feed roses before the arrival of cold weather. Trim the long cane on the rose to prevent ice and snow damage.
The leaves fell from the tree, leaving bare, empty limbs. On a tree with low branches, an empty bird’s nest should be easily spotted and carefully removed without affecting its structure. You can prepare a sturdy bird’s nest and make an unusual Christmas decoration that can be used for many years. After removing the nest, spray several coats of varnish on the nest and let it dry. Before spraying the varnish, place the nest on a few newspapers. After the bird’s nest is dry, put the bird’s nest in a small box lined with toilet paper or napkin. At Christmas, you can find bird decorations or some miniature eggs and add them to the nest.
My Northampton County grandmother always made “potted plants” when harvesting purple radishes in her garden in cold weather. She will cook diced radish, fatty meat, pepper and salt in water. This is a mixture and crunchy cornbread served in a bowl on a cool autumn night (definitely not recommended by any cardiologist!) top radish, a bit like mashed potatoes and gravy. This method is to peel five or six radishes, cut into half-inch cubes, cover with water, add salt and pepper, a few drops of Texas Pitt and a stick of light margarine. Boil the radishes until tender. Drain the liquid, add a cup of milk to the liquid, and bring to a boil over medium heat. Add three tablespoons of cornstarch to a glass half full of cold water until it is completely dissolved in the cold water. Pour a little bit at a time into the lightly boiling radish liquid until it becomes as thick as you want. Add a little sugar to season the gravy, then add a few slices of fried or boiled chopped bacon. Pour the gravy on the cooked radish.
The cool weather garden plot is not only green, but also fruitful with the growth of broccoli, cabbage, kale, Siberian kale, mustard greens, radishes, onions and mixed vegetables. Keep vegetables in cool weather, once a month, feed Miracle Gro liquid plant food and Alaska liquid fish milk. Cover the vegetables with a blanket of shredded leaves. Cut the radishes into thin slices so they can grow into larger radishes.
The killing frost already in progress is not far from the hard frost. By investing in one or two protective covers for outdoor faucets, prevent the pipes from freezing in winter. The cost of the isolation cover for the external faucet is approximately US$12 to US$15. You can buy them on Home Depot, Ace Hardware, Lowe’s Home Improvement and most hardware. They are easy to install and can avoid freezing of pipes. Always remember to remove the hose from the outside faucet in winter, and store the hose in winter to extend its life. Replace the faucet cover after using water in winter.
The end of October and the beginning of November are good times to prune evergreen trees and rhododendrons to protect them from snow and ice and to promote the beauty of the surrounding environment. As we approach the upcoming Christmas decoration season, it will definitely make them look better. The weather in late October may extend into early November, which will be a good time to complete this work before the cold weather.
We have already mentioned that tomorrow is Halloween, but the whole week after Halloween is called Halloween. This is a tradition that began in the United States in the 19th century. At this time of the year, they take a break from harvest. It’s like an early Thanksgiving and reflection on harvest blessings, not just a day, but a whole week. That is the time before cold, snow, or freezing temperatures. In the coming winter, life in the United States will become more difficult. They think this is a good time to thank them for their blessings, rather than taking everything for granted. What role models did these Swiss immigrants set in the 19th century? In the United States in the 21st century, we have to watch football, feast on it, Christmas shopping, and have a big meal every day. Why can’t we spend time resting in God’s blessings and goodness like these Swiss immigrants, and forget about ourselves all day long? We need to remember that when we become ungrateful, we also become unholy.
On November night, the temperature may be below freezing. Use crushed leaves to protect vegetables in cool weather. Prepare some rags and towels to cover the flowers and containers on the porch.
“Cook your own lunch!” Bill: “Oh, no, I won’t come again. A peanut butter sandwich. I can’t stand them. Day after day, it’s a peanut butter sandwich. It’s too much.” Will: “What’s the matter? Question, all you have to do is tell your wife to fix something different for you.” Bill: “I can’t do it.” Will: “Why not?” Bill: “Because I fix the lunch myself.”
“Wrong tree.” Single man: “Listen, dear, you have to admit that men like me don’t grow on trees.” Chicks: “Of course, I know very well that they swing from trees. .”
“Doctor Wild.” Louis: “Do you know that Daniel Boone’s brothers are doctors?” Dewey: “How do you know this is true?” Louis: “Yes, have you never heard of “Doctor Boone” ?
If you still have some containers without any growth, you can fill them with colorful green foil. These violets are still available at nurseries, hardware, Wal-Mart, Home Depot, Ace Hardware, and Lowe’s Home Improvement. They are available in six packs and nine packs. You can choose white, bronze, yellow, purple, lavender, pink, rose, tan, wine red and other colors. To get the pansies off to a good start in November, invest in a bag of pansy boosters and apply a handful to each container. Water less in November to prevent freezing of the soil medium.
When the crimson leaves begin to fall from the dogwoods, they reveal the tiny red berries harvested, which reminds us that Christmas is getting closer and Thanksgiving is getting closer. If the bird does not eat all the berries, the berries will become some colorful Christmas decorations. Dogwood is the bird’s favorite nesting place, so we will scan the empty limbs to find the perfect nest for Christmas tree decorations. It’s better not to be stuffed with stool like Mary Allen found in Walton’s Christmas Story .
November is a calm month, with browns, grays, tans and beiges highlighted by the blue skies of Carolina and the greens of red cedar, pine, holly and honeysuckle vines. The newly fallen oak leaves are forming a carpet on the forest floor and in the Carolina woodlands. Most mornings, the lawn is covered with frost crystals. The gray trunk and most of the exposed limbs form the background of the sparse mistletoe plants in the pecan and oak trees, reminding us of the coming of Christmas next month. Most of it will remain safe because it is high on the tree. There are only a few leaves on powerful oak trees, and they are likely to exist until the first snow of the year.
At the beginning of November, Home Depot, Ace Hardware, Lowe’s Home Improvement, Walmart, Food Lion, Lowe’s Foods, hardware and nurseries will feature blooming Christmas cacti. Christmas cactus is a flower investment, if you take good care of it, it will thrive for many years and bloom every Christmas season. There is an advantage to buying them now because they are blooming when you buy them. You can choose white, red, coral and pink. You can buy them in small and medium-sized containers, with prices ranging from $6 to $12. The first step in growing a Christmas cactus is to continue to buy a larger container and a bag of cactus culture medium, and transplant the cactus immediately after bringing it home. Put it in a semi-sunny place in the house and it should stay there all winter. Once a week, lightly check for moisture and water when needed. Feed with Flower-Tone organic flower food once a month. Keep the cactus away from direct sunlight. A sign that the Christmas cactus gets too much sun is that the leaves will turn pink. If this happens, move the cactus to a place with less sunlight in the room. Use a drip tray under the container to prevent water from touching the floor.
The mighty oak tree is a majestic tree that can produce wood for floors, furniture, houses, and many wood products. They also harvest large amounts of acorns every year to cover the forest floor and produce food for squirrels, raccoons, foxes, wolves, chipmunks and rabbits. As a 10 or 12-year-old boy, we harvested five gallon buckets of acorns for a pig farmer at a price of $1 per bucket. After school, we have to wait until dark to fill a bucket, but in the 1950s, a dollar was worth a dollar. An interesting fact about acorns is that if time becomes too difficult, acorns can be used as food. As we all know, during the Great Depression in the 1920s, time was really tight and many families did not have the funds to produce flour. So they collect acorns, peel them, grind the pulp, and cook with acorn pulp. In nature, God has created many miracles and supplies. He provided a table in the wilderness and one in the forest.
As far as mowing is concerned, the lawnmower is almost ready for a long hibernation. The grass on the lawn slowed down, turned light green, and slowly began to turn light brown. As the months passed, the frost became thicker and whiter. Continue to use the grass clippings in the composite box or pile to heat the ingredients. Before mowing the lawn in late autumn, make sure the sun has dried out the frost.
The days are still shortened by one minute each day. As November progresses, we will continue to reduce one minute every night and continue to do so until winter arrives on December 21.
Pumpkins are the highlight of Thanksgiving desserts, and there are abundant pumpkins in November. This recipe is unique because it combines the flavors of pumpkin, brown sugar and maple, and it is easy to prepare. You will need a 16-ounce jar of Libby Pumpkin or a pint of pumpkin, four hot dog rolls, a three-ounce box of butterscotch jelly instant pudding mix, three large eggs, half a cup of light brown sugar, and a quarter cup of cabin Maple syrup, a teaspoon of pumpkin pie spice, a can of evaporated milk. Pass the hot dog rolls through the blender in the “grate” mode and place in a large bowl. Add all other ingredients and mix well. Pour into a 13X9X2 inch baking pan or pan sprayed with Pam baking spray. Bake at 350 degrees for 50 minutes. After cooling, serve with Dream Whip or dairy whipped cream.
The round purple-top radish can be used to make pilgrim men and women’s center decorations in restaurants or coffee tables. Wash the radishes and dry them. Cut off the top and bottom tips of the leafy leaves to keep the turnips level. Use acrylic paint to design faces, eyes, noses and mouths for pilgrim men and women. Use yarn to form hair and glue on the radish. Use black and yellow construction paper to make hats with buckets for pilgrims. Use light blue or tan napkins to make hats for pilgrims. Use a bag of harvest mix to spread the kiss of good time around the pilgrims. Circle the center with butternut squash. This is an edible core, so Kisses and butternut squash are often used to supplement the core.
Thursday, November 11th is Saint Martin’s Day. On his special day, there are some weather legends that if the leaves are still on the vines, we can expect a cold winter. There are still some leaves on the vine, most of the leaves are already yellow and are about to fall off. With or without leaves, we are all looking for a cold weather with plenty of snow to enjoy, as well as cold weather to wipe out insects and weed seeds, and make Siberian kale radishes and kale sweeter. Saint Martin is right in a sense that winter is the season to look forward to cold weather.
We tried to replicate the old-fashioned sticky, juicy, roasted sweet potato recipe my mother and grandmother made when we were young. The secret of stickiness is that sweet potatoes are freshly dug out from potato vines and baked in the oven after harvest until the juice runs out. Most of the sweet potatoes in the store are dried before you buy, so their juice is zero. In order to reproduce the juicy sweet potato recipe of mom and grandma to meet the 2021 standard, take six or seven large sweet potatoes, wash them and coat them with Crisco shortening. Bake at 4oo degrees until you can smell them, then use a knife to cut through them. Remove from the oven, cool and peel the potatoes, and cut the potatoes in half. Fry it in a frying pan with a light artificial butter. When the potatoes are light brown, put this mixture on the potatoes: mix three tablespoons of brown sugar (light color), a piece of melted light margarine, and a quarter cup of light Kahlo corn syrup. Stir the mixture and pour it on the potatoes. The taste of mother and grandma’s kitchen in the 1950s.
“Please be quiet.” A patient in the mental hospital put his ear to the wall of the room and listened intently. “Be quiet,” he whispered to the waiter, pointing to the wall. The waiter put his ear to the wall and said, “I heard nothing.” “I know,” the patient replied. “It’s terrible, so many days.”
“Men at work.” Artist-”This is my latest painting. It is called the’builder at work’.” This is a kind of realism. “Art Observer-”I don’t see anyone working. “Artist-”Of course not, this is the real situation of this painting! ”
The new moon occurred on November 4. Daylight saving time ends at 2 am today and the moon reaches its first quarter on Thursday, November 11. The full moon will appear on the night of Friday, November 19. The moon will be named “Beaver Full Moon”. Thanksgiving will be on Thursday, November 25th. The moon reaches its final quarter on Saturday, November 27th.
Halloween is here, our pumpkins have been frosted several times, and the garden, lawn and roof are covered by them. These severe frosts turned many lawns brown and dotted the entire landscape with leaves. Pumpkins are tough and have a long shelf life, so frost will not affect them too much. Halloween is here, so please use common sense and caution tonight, and watch out for parents and children. Keep the porch and carport lights on to let children and parents know that your home is suitable for children. Only provide snacks that are safe and securely packaged.
This pumpkin pudding will melt in your mouth and fill your kitchen with a spicy aroma on Halloween. It is simple to prepare using readily available ingredients. You need a can of Libby pumpkin or a pint of canned pumpkin, a three-ounce box of jelly instant pumpkin pudding or vanilla pudding mixture, two large eggs, half a cup of brown sugar, half a cup of granulated sugar, a tablespoon of pumpkin pie spice, and a teaspoon of vanilla to taste Ingredients, a stick of melted light margarine, a can of evaporated milk, a teaspoon of orange seasoning and four hot dog buns. Pass the hot dog bun through the blender in grate mode, mix all other ingredients, and pour into a 13 x 9 x 2 inch baking pan or a baking pan sprayed with Pam baking spray. Bake in a preheated 350 degree oven for 45 minutes or until the pudding is firm. There is Cool Whip or French vanilla ice cream on top. You can also frost the pudding with a tin of Duncan Hines cream cheese frosting.
Today October is coming to an end, and we are enjoying the low humidity, the blue skies of Carolina, the elegant leaves falling from oak, poplar, pecan and maple trees, and the pink sunset that complements the hues of maple leaves. autumn. These pleasant afternoons provide the opportunity to clean up the garden plots, including removing vines, stalks, residues, tomato cages and stakes, harvesting leaves, and preparing compost bins and compost.
In the air on the last night of October, the smoke from the chimneys of neighbourhood houses exudes the smell of burning oak, welcoming the sunset on Halloween night. This is the night of the voices of excited children, they go door to door. You can make their night safe and enjoyable by keeping the porch and carport lights on and preparing and packaging snacks for them when they arrive at the door. Put snacks in bowls or plates so they can handle and choose their own snacks. It would also be good to give loving parents a kind of enjoyment.
Halloween is always celebrated on the first day of November, which is the second day before Halloween, and is also called Halloween. This day is also called Halloween.
In the cold winter, you can promote the growth of roses by applying a layer of bone meal around the base of the rose and mixing it into the soil and a handful of blood meal. Both are organic products and can produce root growth in winter. Use Rose-Tone organic rose food to feed roses before the arrival of cold weather. Trim the long cane on the rose to prevent ice and snow damage.
The leaves fell from the tree, leaving bare, empty limbs. On a tree with low branches, an empty bird’s nest should be easily spotted and carefully removed without affecting its structure. You can prepare a sturdy bird’s nest and make an unusual Christmas decoration that can be used for many years. After removing the nest, spray several coats of varnish on the nest and let it dry. Before spraying the varnish, place the nest on a few newspapers. After the bird’s nest is dry, put the bird’s nest in a small box lined with toilet paper or napkin. At Christmas, you can find bird decorations or some miniature eggs and add them to the nest.
My Northampton County grandmother always made “potted plants” when harvesting purple radishes in her garden in cold weather. She will cook diced radish, fatty meat, pepper and salt in water. This is a mixture and crunchy cornbread served in a bowl on a cool autumn night (definitely not recommended by any cardiologist!) top radish, a bit like mashed potatoes and gravy. This method is to peel five or six radishes, cut into half-inch cubes, cover with water, add salt and pepper, a few drops of Texas Pitt and a stick of light margarine. Boil the radishes until tender. Drain the liquid, add a cup of milk to the liquid, and bring to a boil over medium heat. Add three tablespoons of cornstarch to a glass half full of cold water until it is completely dissolved in the cold water. Pour a little bit at a time into the lightly boiling radish liquid until it becomes as thick as you want. Add a little sugar to season the gravy, then add a few slices of fried or boiled chopped bacon. Pour the gravy on the cooked radish.
The cool weather garden plot is not only green, but also fruitful with the growth of broccoli, cabbage, kale, Siberian kale, mustard greens, radishes, onions and mixed vegetables. Keep vegetables in cool weather, once a month, feed Miracle Gro liquid plant food and Alaska liquid fish milk. Cover the vegetables with a blanket of shredded leaves. Cut the radishes into thin slices so they can grow into larger radishes.
The killing frost already in progress is not far from the hard frost. By investing in one or two protective covers for outdoor faucets, prevent the pipes from freezing in winter. The cost of the isolation cover for the external faucet is approximately US$12 to US$15. You can buy them on Home Depot, Ace Hardware, Lowe’s Home Improvement and most hardware. They are easy to install and can avoid freezing of pipes. Always remember to remove the hose from the outside faucet in winter, and store the hose in winter to extend its life. Replace the faucet cover after using water in winter.
The end of October and the beginning of November are good times to prune evergreen trees and rhododendrons to protect them from snow and ice and to promote the beauty of the surrounding environment. As we approach the upcoming Christmas decoration season, it will definitely make them look better. The weather in late October may extend into early November, which will be a good time to complete this work before the cold weather.
We have already mentioned that tomorrow is Halloween, but the whole week after Halloween is called Halloween. This is a tradition that began in the United States in the 19th century. At this time of the year, they take a break from harvest. It’s like an early Thanksgiving and reflection on harvest blessings, not just a day, but a whole week. That is the time before cold, snow, or freezing temperatures. In the coming winter, life in the United States will become more difficult. They think this is a good time to thank them for their blessings, rather than taking everything for granted. What role models did these Swiss immigrants set in the 19th century? In the United States in the 21st century, we have to watch football, feast on it, Christmas shopping, and have a big meal every day. Why can’t we spend time resting in God’s blessings and goodness like these Swiss immigrants, and forget about ourselves all day long? We need to remember that when we become ungrateful, we also become unholy.
On November night, the temperature may be below freezing. Use crushed leaves to protect vegetables in cool weather. Prepare some rags and towels to cover the flowers and containers on the porch.
“Cook your own lunch!” Bill: “Oh, no, I won’t come again. A peanut butter sandwich. I can’t stand them. Day after day, it’s a peanut butter sandwich. It’s too much.” Will: “What’s the matter? Question, all you have to do is tell your wife to fix something different for you.” Bill: “I can’t do it.” Will: “Why not?” Bill: “Because I fix the lunch myself.”
“Wrong tree.” Single man: “Listen, dear, you have to admit that men like me don’t grow on trees.” Chicks: “Of course, I know very well that they swing from trees. .”
“Doctor Wild.” Louis: “Do you know that Daniel Boone’s brothers are doctors?” Dewey: “How do you know this is true?” Louis: “Yes, have you never heard of “Doctor Boone” ?
The weekend heralded a little summer in St. Luke. It was a dry, refreshing, and warm day, characterized by the summer weather in India, with a break compared to the colder days of the next month. We can certainly benefit from some warm and comfortable days to complete the task of harvesting autumn leaves, placing them in the middle of rows of cool weather vegetables, covering the corm beds of roses and spring blossoms, and stocking compound piles or garbage bins. Saint-Louis Ke’s little summer is a fun time to relax on the front porch, listen to the crows, enjoy a cup of coffee and a few biscuits.
When we celebrate the little summer of St. Luke, there is a bit of pre-Halloween legend. It is said that in the little summer of St. Luke, pumpkins began to deteriorate. We don’t believe this is just because there are too many pumpkins around supermarkets, fruit stalls, produce markets, and roadside markets. Especially when Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas are approaching-the pumpkin consumption season is already open. The summer in St. Luke only lasts a few days, but the shelf life of pumpkins is very long, a few months longer than the summer in Luke. Long live pumpkin harvest, pumpkin lanterns, pumpkin pie, and everything from pumpkins.
The pumpkin scarecrow core of the restaurant or coffee table can be made from orange pumpkins. Use a permanent black marker to outline a face on the pumpkin and color the details with acrylic paint. Detail of scarecrow face with black and white eye color and pink cheeks. Use an old straw hat to pour a bag or two of Hershey’s autumn mixed kisses on the bottom of the scarecrow. Add some butternut squash as a finishing touch.
Earlier, we mentioned St. Luke’s little summer legend about pumpkins obsolete in his little summer days, (of course, we know this is just a legend), but you can give pumpkins that have been lit up on the porch for a few nights The lights are sweetened, especially so close to Halloween. In order to make your pumpkin lantern emit a spicy smell instead of an old smell, all you have to do is to soak the pumpkin lantern in a pot of water for several hours, remove it from the water and wipe the inside of the pumpkin lantern with a few teaspoons of pumpkin pie spice, Replace the candle and light it at night to enjoy the aroma of sweet and spicy pumpkin.

Post time: Nov-16-2021