
Nearly 1 million adults in Ireland admit to flushing wet wipes and hygiene products down the toilet

The Irish Water Resources and Clean Coast Organization is urging Irish people to continue to “think before flushing” because a recent survey showed that nearly 1 million adults often flush wet wipes and other sanitary products down the toilet.
As seawater swimming and beach use become more and more popular, this reminds us in time that our flushing behavior has a direct impact on the environment, and making small changes can help protect Ireland’s sandy beaches, rocky shores and secluded seas​ ​Bay.
“In 2018, our research told us that 36% of people living in Ireland often flush the wrong things into the toilet. We collaborated with Clean Coasts on the “Think Before You Flush” campaign and made some progress because this year 24% of respondents in the survey admitted to doing so often.
“Although this improvement is welcome, 24% represents nearly 1 million people. The impact of flushing the wrong thing into the toilet is obvious because we are still clearing thousands of blockages from our network every month Things.
“Clearing blockages can be an annoying job,” he continued. “Sometimes, workers have to enter the sewer and use a shovel to clear the blockage. Spray and suction equipment can be used to remove some blockages.
“I have seen workers have to clear the pump blockage by hand in order to restart the pump and race against time to avoid sewage spilling into the environment.
“Our message is simple, only 3 Ps (urine, poop and paper) should be flushed into the toilet. All other items, including wet wipes and other sanitary products, even if they are labeled with a washable label, should be put in the trash. This It will reduce the number of clogged sewers, the risk of households and businesses being flooded, and the risk of environmental pollution causing harm to wildlife such as fish and birds and related habitats.
“We have all seen images of seabirds being affected by marine debris, and we can all play a role in protecting our beaches, oceans and marine life. Small changes in our washing behavior can make a big difference-put wet wipes, cotton Bud sticks and sanitary products are placed in the trash can, not in the toilet.”
“We remove tons of wet wipes and other items from the screens of the Offaly wastewater treatment plant every month. In addition to this, we also remove hundreds of blockages in the county’s wastewater network every year.”
To learn more about the “thinkbeforeyouflush” campaign, please visit and for tips and information on how to avoid clogged sewers, please visit

Post time: Aug-20-2021